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2:02 p.m. - 2004-08-19
The day is going so fast, it's like I'm not even working
Do you people think I just sit around all day with nothing better to do than type in another entry??

You'd be right. Feel free to slap a gold star on your head for the day.

I am in the process of changing my regular daytime job, and what better way to do that than to put together your resume while at work? What better way I ask...

I've emailed it to two people now who know my intentions to leave my current place in hell, and hopefully those leads will pan out. Otherwise, I may be stuck here for another few months cause I simply have no motivation to visit How lazy am I? I ask you, how lazy am I??

My boyfriend, herein referred to as BedBuddy, took me out to dinner last night. For the first time. Since we've begun dating. How I allowed him to get away with that, I have no idea. I feel horrified at the damage I've done to my clan of materialistic women all over the world. Not really though. Cause I have masterfully manipulated him into buying me a birthday present that he thinks I appear to not even know he is getting. Did that sentence even make sense? I beg you, did it??

I'm gettin' a diamond dammit.

First of all....all you men can stop rolling your eyes RIGHT NOW. I don't mean a ring dumbass. When that comes around, I'M picking it. I've already had two duds, one from a pawn shop (did I really think that would last?) and the other from JC Penny's. My apologies if anyone reading this is offended, but come on. JC Penny's? Shame on you fuckers, buying the woman of your dreams a ring half off and discounted cause you're an employee. For shame...

No...I want a diamond necklace. Nothing fancy, nothing Barbara Streisand like. Just a plain simple diamond on a place simple chain. I stunned my own self though at how masterfully I have planted the idea.

Thought I was gonna tell ya how? Fuck off. I know two guys are reading this right now and I ain't spoiling it for their wives/future wives/girlfriends/lovers/housekeepers.

I'm out. Advice for the day: Go talk to a stranger today. It'd make for a good entry tomorrow.

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