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8:34 a.m. - 2005-07-11
Here's What I Think

God Bless America!

The only place where we pay more to live near the 9th hole of a golf course and then wonder why we have to pay so much to the insurance company to replace umpteen windows a year. Brilliant.

The only place where we pay $8.75 for two hours of Tom Cruise. Good God.

The only place where I am supposed to consider it a �privilege� to be serving on a jury, but where they won�t pay for my parking at the courthouse while I am serving. What. The. Fuck?

The only place where as a woman I am now �allowed� to do the same jobs as men, but at a lower pay rate. Indeed.

The only place where smokers can sue tobacco companies. Because you know, it�s THEIR fault, not mine man.

The only place where big fat lazy people can sue McDonalds. Did you want frys with that suit?

The only place where I can pay income tax on money earned, and then get taxed again when buying something with the money that was already taxed. How does this work?

The only place where I have to pay a yearly registration for the privilege of driving my car, in which the amount is determined by how expensive my car was, not by the fact that I�m driving on the same road as everyone else.

The only place where we have a kazillion dollars spent in advertising, models, designers ect., only to find that those clothes never fit off the rack. What a surprise!

The only place where my dad can avoid alimony by opening LLC�s in different states thereby hiding any assets. Excellent example of a human being.

The only place where you can be a complete white trash idiot and still be allowed to have children.

God Bless Us.

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